Technology Business Incubator - National Institute of Technology Calicut

About Us
Startups have now become the engines of modern global economic growth. Through innovation and risk-taking abilities, entrepreneurs have transformed our society. They have designed myriad products that satisfy our wants. These-science and technology-based firms are passionate enough to turn every necessity into invention and discovery, promoting profitable business enterprises that contribute to sustainable growth. The major objective of a technology business incubator is not only to facilitate in the setting up of startups which are technology-based and knowledge-driven but also to nurture their growth by providing them with the necessary platform required for their growth and establishment as successful enterprises.
Companies Incubated
Programs Conducted
Program Participants
Do you have a great idea which you think Will transform into a technological innovation If you receive the necessary support?
“You have all chances to have a one-stop solution with TBI NITC”

To apply for the Incubation, please fill in the following details. Each of the promoters is requested to fill in the form and submit.
“Apply for incubation in technology Business Incubator @ NITC”