Incubatee companies are selected based on an assessment of a set of parameters. The criteria for acceptance are as follows.
- innovativeness and technical viability of the proposed product/ service
- market potential of the product/ service
- competitiveness of the organization to capture the market
- adaptability of the organization to change as per the changing environmental/ market conditions
- Organization’s growth potential
- Financial sustainability

- The business activities proposed should be in the advanced technology area such as Information Technology, Electronics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Agriculture and Renewable energy.
- The company must meet the definition of a Technology based company (An organization which pursues commercial applications of science/technology-based innovations, employs a high percentage of technicians, engineers or scientists; or requires R&D to produce new products or services).
- The venture proposed can be a society, limited company, partnership or Sole Proprietorship.
- Demonstrate a need for incubator services.
- Demonstrate capabilities for business viability and growth.
- The business plan submitted is sound.
- The business proposed should have significant employment potential/revenue generation potential / earning potential.
- The promoters should have a track record in undertaking entrepreneurial ventures.
Once the business plan is accepted and the company is inducted, it can start its operations which are reviewed in a periodic manner by the Executive/ Steering Committee based on which revisions would also be proposed to the incubatees.